This was the fourth year that Red-shouldered Hawks (Buteo lineatus elegans) nested in Edgewood County Park, San Mateo County CA USA. There were four fledglings in 2003, for a total of twelve in four years! Wish these immature hawks (and their hard-working parents) luck! If all goes well the adults will nest here again next year...
June 3: Day 49 | ||
May 29: Day 44
No photos (pesky fog!), but all four fledglings are alive and well.
May 27: Day 42 | ||
May 20: Day 35 |
May 13: Day 28 | ||
Watch it, kid! |
May 7: Day 22 | ||
May 1: Day 16 | |||
April 28: Day 13 | ||
April 22: Day 7 | ||
April 17: Day 2
Mom has been sitting on this new nest (same location, but
the former nest blew completely out of the tree during a storm) for about a month. These
new chicks weigh about 1 ounce (30g) each. They appear (poor photo quality
notwithstanding) to be 1-2 days old. More and better photos will follow--and perhaps a
third chick! This is a very poor chick photo--try to resolve the circular, fuzzy
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